Monday 27 September 2010

Research and Planning: Preliminary task

 Preliminary task

College Magazine Cover

  • I used a thorough colour scheme of Blue, Grey White and Black which is seen in magazines making my magazine look more professional.
  • I kept my fonts consistent on both pages. Both fonts are ones which appeal to the age range of my magazine. 
  • My masthead is the name of the college and I have used the college website as my slugline to advertise it.
  • The image on the front of my magazine in a medium close up of student.
  • The semiotics from my magazine create the theme of teenagers and college, through the fonts, colours, and the picture of a college student. I took the image and used the smart blur tool to enhance the picture. I then used to magnetic lasso tool to cut out the picture from its background and move it onto the cover.
  • I used the phrase 'NEW STUDENTS SETTLING IN' down the side of the cover which is relevant to the photo and the main story of the magazine that being the first edition from September and just about the norms of the college and the new students views.
  • I added a barcode to my cover by downloading a font to photoshop, creating a text box and typing in my bar code. I added a barcode because these are always found on magazines.
  • Another thing i added which is a typical layout of a magazine is the date and issue number.
  • I added the various stories to my cover which are relevant to the genre of the magazine, also showing an insight into whats in the magazine.
  • I changed the layout of my cover from the draft I drew because the stories wouldn't fit along the bottom due to the shape of my picture.
  • I like the layout of my cover and think the semiotics display the idea of college. I think for my first time creating the cover on photoshop I did well in making my cover look like a typical magazine. Next time I do this I know to work harder on making everything fit int the layout of the cover and also making sure my picture for the front is cut out on photoshop a lot more neatly.

College Magazine Contents Page

  •   I made my contents page using the program indesign.
  • I added two columns onto my page to make sure the text fit neatly inline with the boxes.
  • I continued the colour scheme of Blue, Grey, Black and White from the cover.
  • I added the masthead 'CONTENTS' and the others naming the sections of the magazine 'ON THE COVER' and 'MONTHLY'. I used the same font as used on the cover for the titles and also, the page numbers and the information of the page articles.
  • I looked at other magazines for ideas for my contents page. I decided to use the layout of the articles that are on the cover grouped together, and then another group being the monthly features of the magazine.
  • I added my photos using the place tool and also put numbers on my pictures which are relevant to the magazines stories. 
  • To make my contents page look neater and bolder I added boarders around the page and the title boxes. 
  • I think my page portrays the layout of a contents page, and all the right features. I like the pictures which are numbered and associated to certain storylines in the magazine. I made it look more professional by continuing with the same colours and fonts on the contents page as on the cover. To improve I could make sure my boarder doesn't interfere with my pictures and text on the page and also that the boarders around the writing are neater and the lines reach up to the ends of the section.

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