Tuesday 14 September 2010

Research and Planning: Indesign tutorial

Indesign Tutorial

  • I researched a film review and picture for Shutter Island.
  • I opened the indesign programme and created new document.
  • First I changed the colour of the background using the rectangle frame tool and selecting a colour.
  • I added the title Shutter Island using the text tool box.
  • I then added columns to the page by selecting, Layout ; Create guides ; Then added new collums.
  • I then chose File ; Place ; to select my text and used to pen tool to add it too the collums. I changed the texts font, colour, and size.
  • I then used the same method to add my picture.
  • I selected my Title and Used Object ; Effects, to add a drop shadow affect on my title. also using the same method i added Bevel and Emboss to my picture.
  • I added a boarder by selecting the boarder increasing the size and changing the design to thick - thick.
  • I then used the Gradient Swatch Tool and changed to Gradient of the background.
  • I found the programme easy to use and the boarders helped ensure I kept my text and pictures in all the right places and the right format for the page. However it was difficult to ensure you selected the correct thing to change due to the amount of lines separating collumns on the page.

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