Tuesday 14 December 2010

Research and Planning: Cover Draft 1

This is a copy of the original image used for my cover.

This is a copy of the manipulated image transformed to my magazine cover.
This is the process of how I used image manipulation on photoshop to change one of the photos I have taken into my whole front cover:
  • I started by editing the photo copying the layer and using the smart blur tool to make the skin look clearer and brighter.
  • Next I used the magnetic lasso tool to cut out the image of the model from the background.
  • Having this image then selected I then used 'Image' > 'Image Rotation' and flipped my image to the right.
  • I then chose the layer of the background and changed the background to black an white in order to make the model stand out in colour.
  • I then had to use zooming tools to make the background bigger to cover any empty spaces, I also cut and copied small sections of the background to empty gaps and rotated them so all the background wasn't the same.
  • Lastly I used the texts tools on photoshop in which I downloaded my chosen fonts and added my masthead and text.
  • I also downloaded a barcode font with which I could add a barcode to my cover.
  • I feel I kept the background of my photo to be the background of the cover as it not only compliments the models photo but the images of the branches behind give a rugged dark effect to the cover.

Friday 10 December 2010

Research and Planning: Planning and progress.

Within the next week I plan to:
  • Finish all of my photo minipulation.
  • Ensure my cover and double page spread are complete.
  • Begin the layout of my contents page.

Monday 6 December 2010

Research and Planning: Photographs Model 1


Research and Planning: Collage

I have done research on the genre of my magazine and bands it may feature by looking at similar magazines. With this research I have collected different images and features of the magazine to make a collage.

Tuesday 23 November 2010

Monday 22 November 2010

Research and Planning: Double Page Spread Title

Research and Planning: Shot list

Shot List

  • On the cover - Main Image of the featured artist on the cover.
  • Contents page - Pictures of other artists. 3 artists on the contents page as well as another image of the featured artist.
  • Double page spread - Main image of the artist on the page and also featuring a scanned in image of the artist as a child.

Research and Planning: Double Page Spread Plan

Double page spread plan.

  • Photographs will be a main feature photo of the artist, but also I will use a photo of the artist when they was younger to scan into the computer and put onto the page.
  • My photos will be in black and white. This is because my double page spread will be focused on revealing all about the artist therefore I feel the simplistic black and white photos will be relevant to the copy, showing the artist stripped down.
  • The copy of my double page spread will begin with an introduction on the background of the artist, then follow with an interview.
  • I would like to include a quote from the artist as the title of the page.
  • On my page I would also like to include a feature box showing the upcoming music from the artist.

Research and Planning: Double Page spread layouts

I like how this double page spread has a featured box on the imagine which has facts on the band. I would like to use this on my magazine as it is a good attractive feature for a double page spread.

I like how this double page spread has lots of images relevant to the band for example live shots of the band. However I would like the copy relevant to the page to be a bit longer.

I like the layout of this double page spread how the models photo is the main feature getting the readers attention. The image is relevant to the copy which makes the double page spread work. I like the idea of using a quote from the artist as a title for the double page spread.