Tuesday 25 January 2011

Research and Planning: Audience Feedback

Magazine Cover
Double Page spread


  1. Front cover:
    I really love the front cover image as I think it is of really good quality and really suits the genre that you have chosen to do. The only thing I could suggest to improve it would be made the writing at the very top more defined.

    Double page spread:
    Again I really like the images especially how you have got a strip of three on the right hand side it really looks good. I know it not yet complete so with text I think it will make the page better.

    Contents Page:
    I really like how you have kept the same colour scheme as the front cover but I think it needs either more images or text to fill the blank space.

    So overall I really like your magazine so far :) x

  2. Front Page:
    I think the front pages is really good I think the image really dominants the page and makes it stereotypical to a rock magazine. I really like the font used I just think the red should be a bit lighter because I don't feel it stands out.

    Contents pages:
    I really like the red blood stain on the oages i think it looks really awesome, I also like the order of your page numbers and how you have put them into categories.I think that the pictures could be a little bigger and more spread out but I can see its a working progress

    Two page spread:
    I think the pictures on the contents page are good they are really well taken.

    I think it really does portray Rock and I really like it :)

  3. I like your front cover and the model suits the genre. I think you should change the exclusive part at the top to another colour as you can not see it that well. I like how the masthead colour matches the models outfit. I like the pictures on the double page spread as they are strong poses and I like the 3 pictures at the side of the main photo. I also like how you have carried the colours onto the content and double page spread. Overall I like you magazine, I hope this helps. :)
