Monday 18 October 2010

Research and Planning:Target Audience

Target Audience

  • Age: The magazine I am going to make will be targeted towards ages 16+, mainly appropriate for students. I found this by the questionnaires I did the majority of the ages which were 16+ had an interest in magazines such as NME and Kerrang! which are similar to the genre of my magazine.
  • Gender: My magazine will be applicable to both genders, after analysing magazines of a genre in which I aim to make one, these magazines appeal to both male and female as the artists are either attractive or iconic to a particular gender meaning each artist can appeal to both. The research from my questionnaire shows that both genders are interested in this genre.
  • Occupation: The occupation of most of the target audience would be the students or the unskilled. The unskilled would be also be the students who are working part time jobs to afford things such as going to gigs. My questionnaire was conducted on students and showed this genre appeals to the majority.
  • Class and Wealth: The class of my audience would be working class, as they are students who need to afford fee's etc therefore my magazine needs to be suitable for what they can afford by including the correct interests.
  • Interests: From my research I can see the people my magazine applies to will be interested in, listings of gigs/festivals, interviews, information on upcoming bands/artists, posters. I would have to include things such as new music, albums etc. My magazine wouldn't really apply to people who are interested in gossip.
  • Outlook for future: Useful for people who are interested in the music industry for their future career, however the majority of people will just be reading this for their interest in music and their favourite bands not what is relevant to their career.

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