Friday 29 October 2010

Research and Planning: Contents Page Analysis

Contents Page Analysis
  • The contents page has listing of things such as reviews, news on bands and information on gigs which I will be including in my magazine.
  • The contents page also has images of bands which are included in the magazine with the relevant page number on them which I would like the layout of my magazine to be, this makes it easier for the audience to recognise the artists they like and interest them in the magazine. These show the genre from the artists used as they are wearing the clothes associated with rock but also the images of people with tattoos.
  • The target audience of my contents page is shown through the images used that being a rock magazine as the artists portray a rock genre due to their clothing, tattoos etc. The target audience would be students with an interest in rock music and the artists.
  • The layout of he magazine shows pictures relevant to stories but they're lay out with all the pictures together then the magazine listings down the side.
  • The colour scheme is continuous throughout which is the correct way of setting out a magazine.

Monday 18 October 2010

Research and Planning: Masthead Designs.

These are examples of the Masthead fonts I have chosen for my magazine. I am going to choose from these fonts of which is appropriate.

Research and Planning:Target Audience

Target Audience

  • Age: The magazine I am going to make will be targeted towards ages 16+, mainly appropriate for students. I found this by the questionnaires I did the majority of the ages which were 16+ had an interest in magazines such as NME and Kerrang! which are similar to the genre of my magazine.
  • Gender: My magazine will be applicable to both genders, after analysing magazines of a genre in which I aim to make one, these magazines appeal to both male and female as the artists are either attractive or iconic to a particular gender meaning each artist can appeal to both. The research from my questionnaire shows that both genders are interested in this genre.
  • Occupation: The occupation of most of the target audience would be the students or the unskilled. The unskilled would be also be the students who are working part time jobs to afford things such as going to gigs. My questionnaire was conducted on students and showed this genre appeals to the majority.
  • Class and Wealth: The class of my audience would be working class, as they are students who need to afford fee's etc therefore my magazine needs to be suitable for what they can afford by including the correct interests.
  • Interests: From my research I can see the people my magazine applies to will be interested in, listings of gigs/festivals, interviews, information on upcoming bands/artists, posters. I would have to include things such as new music, albums etc. My magazine wouldn't really apply to people who are interested in gossip.
  • Outlook for future: Useful for people who are interested in the music industry for their future career, however the majority of people will just be reading this for their interest in music and their favourite bands not what is relevant to their career.

Research and Planning: Podcast for september

Monday 11 October 2010

Research and Planning: Analysis of Music Magazine 2.

  • The genre of this magazine is a rock magazine, I can tell this by analysing the following features.
  • The magazine appeals to both male and female with the interests meaning my rock magazine will have to apply to both genders.
  • This magazine is aimed at ages 16+, I think it appeals to students as it is more of a music gossip magazine on current bands but also includes features such as gig listings etc.
  • The interests are shown through the cover stories, interests on music awards, current bands.
  • Using the psychographics I could analyse the audience for the magazine the magazine is aimed at.
  • I analysed this magazines socio-economic grouping to be E (Students and Unemployed). The lifestyle of Rock music, Gigs/festivals, and gossip is very relevant to student life.
  • The lifestyle of the people buying this magazine would be students into the scene of going to gigs/festivals, things relevant to the student union.
  • The people used on the front of the magazine display a rock genre.
  • This is done by their choice of clothing, also the used of the British flag portrays rock music well as many rock artists are very proud of their culture.
  • All 3 of the males are appealing to women as they are attractive but also to men as they are a lot of music idols.
  • The tattoos are a representation of the genre of music which could help me with distinguishing my genre when I pick the models for my magazine.
  • The medium long shot on the front is used to attract the customers to the magazine. It shows that the magazine issues main focus is on the people on the cover which may attract people to buy if they are interested in the band. This also gives you a fuller shot of the artist and more of an idea on what they are wearing.
  • Mise en Scene: Props used on this cover are the used of the British flag. This portrays a good feature of the rock genre which is a proud interest in their culture.
  • The cover features the layout of a magazine being the masthead, the slugline, the stories, the barcode.
  • The masthead on this magazine has a particular font which is appropriate for the genre . The font looks like something smashing and is quite informal.
  • Colours used are associated with the rock genre: Dark colours but also including whites, reds and blues.

Research and Planning: Analysis of Music Magazine 1.

NME Magazine Analysis

  • The genre of this magazine is a Rock magazine, I can tell this by analysing the following features.
  • I have used the psychographics of the magazine to analyse the audience.
  • I feel the gender appeals to both male and female.
  • The age is aimed at 16+ however, less of a students age as the magazine is very factual rater than just music gossip.
  • The interests are shown through the cover stories featuring that of music and lyrics.
  • The socio-economic grouping I found to be E (Students and Unemployed), i made this analysis based on the music genre and the use of tattoos on the artist which arent usually associated with professionals.
  • The lifestyle of the people reading this magazine would probably be the middle class, they can afford things such as magazines, buying music and attending gigs/festivals.
  • The representation of the person on the cover portrays the rock genre.
  • One of the reasons I decided this is due to his extrovert pose.
  • He appeals to both women as he is attractive to females but also an idol to males.
  • His clothing and colours displays the genre. Quite dark choices.
  • His tattoos are a representation of the artist and also the music genre.
  • The medium close up shot makes the artist the main focus of the music magazine.
  • The Mise en scene shown is the use of eyeliner on the male, which is associated with his music. Also his tattoos display this.
  • The layout has the specific layout of a music magazine.
  • The masthead and cover story show it is a music magazine by being an exclusive issue focused on an artist.
  • The stories are very appropriate to the genre - 'My lyrics come from a really dark place' portrays the dark imagery associated with a rock magazine.
  • Also the colour scheme used is well associated, Blues, Reds, Whites and Blacks.

Research and Planning: Example Questionnaire

This is an example of one of my questionnaires.

Research and Plannning: Questionnaire Results

These are the results from the research for my music magazine.
This shows that:
  • The most popular genres of music are Rock and R 'n' B.
  • The most popular music magazines are Kerrang! and Others.
  • The most popular colour scheme related to a rock magazine is Red and Black.
  • The most expected features of a rock magazine is upcoming bands/artists and listings of gigs and festivals.